Riverbend Rental has the best line of portable rental compressors available for rent! Our compressors range from a Rolair pancake to our Doosan 185 cfm diesel. Our rental Doosan includes 50′ of air hose, additional hoses available as well as blow gun and various sized chipping and jack hammers.
We are a Rolair dealer where we fix and sell Rolair parts and compressors. We rent air hose and Paslode nail guns to contractors or any DIY’ers!
We sell Paslode finish, framing and positive placement nails as well as narrow and wide crown staples.
If you have your own Paslode or other brand name guns, but they’re just not running in tip top condition, we repair most makes and models. We stock Paslode, hitachi tools, and repair parts.
Check out the products below for the items that are available for rent! If you have any questions, be sure to contact us